You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.17. Sales - Wide Scheduler > Wide Warehouse Scheduler - Field Service > Maintaining a Field Service Order
Maintaining a Field Service Order

You can change the assignment or scheduling details of a field service order at any time before it is completed on a PDA (i.e. when the status is either Paperless Queue, Scheduled or On PDA - In Progress). Once an order has been completed on a PDA (i.e. a status of On PDA - Completed), you can only change these details by first changing the status back to Paperless Queue or Scheduled (refer to "View or Changing the Status of a Field Service Order").


Technical Tip

Follow this procedure to:

To view or maintain the details of a field service order:

  1. Open the Wide Warehouse Scheduler screen.

Refer to "Displaying the Wide Warehouse Scheduler".

  1. Select the 7. Field Service tab.

Micronet displays the Wide Warehouse Scheduler - Field Service tab showing all field service orders created in MDS.

  1. Double click on the field service order you want to maintain, or select an order and press Enter.

Micronet displays the Edit Field Service Details screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Job Number

Micronet displays the field service order number which is a combination of the field service prefix entered in the Warehouse master file and the last held invoice number. For information on how these numbers are assigned, refer to "File - Warehouse - Warehouse".



Micronet displays the debtor ID for the order.


Job Description

Enter a description of the job or the type of order. You can change this if required.


Assigned To

Enter the ID of the field service employee you want to assign this order to. You can also press spacebar then Enter to select from a list of employees. The order will be downloaded to this employee's PDA the next time they synchronise with Micronet.

You can change the employee the order is assigned to by deleting the employee ID displayed and entering the ID of another employee.

Leave this field blank if you don't want the job downloaded to a PDA yet.



Enter or select the date the employee should perform this job. You can change the date if required.


Start Time

Enter the job start time. You can change the start time if required.


End Time

Enter the job end time. You can change the end time if required.


Field Service Status

Micronet displays the status of the field service order. You can only change the status on the Wide Warehouse Scheduler - Field Service tab (refer to "View or Changing the Status of a Field Service Order"). Options are:

  • Paperless Queue - the order is waiting to be assigned to an employee and scheduled
  • Scheduled - the order has been assigned to the field service employee selected in the Assigned To field. Micronet will download the order to the PDA the next time the PDA user synchronises with Micronet.
  • On PDA - In Progress - the order has been downloaded to the field service employee's PDA and is currently in progress
  • On PDA - Completed - the order has been completed on the field service employee's PDA and is waiting to be processed by Data.Connect and returned to Micronet
  • Completed - the order has been completed, processed by Data.Connect, returned to Micronet, and is ready to be invoiced.
  1. Optionally, you can:
  1. When you have finished maintaining the field service order, select the Accept button.

If you removed any job assignment details (Assigned To, Date, or Start/End Times), Micronet displays a message that the job will be reassigned to the paperless queue.

  1. Select Yes to save your changes or No if you don't want to..

Micronet redisplays the Wide Warehouse Scheduler - Field Service tab with the updated information. If you removed job assignment details, the Status of the order is updated to Paperless Queue.